Welcome to Our Story

Welcome to UKMA. Here you will be challenged and putting the old you to work. Here at UKMA we strive to build an optimal human not only for combat, but to have humility, tactfulness, honesty and loyalty. We also offer classes on the internal aspect of the body. Tapping into breathing exercises, yoga and meditation. Overall UKMA is about building true warriors for the community and as well as being a leader in your family and peers.

Sifu Jay Khepera is a Chicago Born native, he started his formal training with his father whom was Force Recon Marine in the United States Marine Corps. His father served in the vietnam war and was later awarded the purple heart as well as being chosen to train the green berets in the United States Army with the rank of E5. Sifu’s father taught him hand to hand combat basics and basics on physical fitness.

Sifu later join up with his first Martial Arts instructor outside of his father, Mwalimu John Poole of African Martial Arts. He learned basics on flexibility, striking, meditation etc. By the time of Sifu’s graduating from high and landing a job at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange is he met Master Coach Pat White from Kobruh Martial Arts system.

Sifu later in his trained with other various martial artist and famous martial artists from Victor Moore, Don Miskel, the Bakers etc. Sifu is now an 9th degree Red Belt Grandmaster and founding the system called Universal Kemetic Montu Arts. Sifu have fought numerous of people in tournament style competitions winning a handful of medals and trophies and certificates. Sifu is very serious about raising the kids in the community and helping the elderly and overall promoting an environment of positive energy, drive and motivation to be the best version of self.