Experience the Art of Scheduling

Step into the world of Universal Kemetic Montu Arts, where combative military arts systems come to life. Discover our mission as founded by Sijo Jay Khepera Neteru Amen Ra, a dedicated practitioner with over 36 years of experience. Welcome to a place where tradition meets innovation.


  • Discover the essence of this foundational service - embodying the spirit of Sifu Jay Khepera Neteru Amen Ra's 36 years of experience.

  • Embark on the next level with our Intermediate Service, a path forged by Sifu Jay's Chicago roots and unmatched expertise.

  • Experience the pinnacle - our Advanced Service embodies the mastery of Sifu Jay, creating warriors of unparalleled skill and discipline.

Discover the essence of our brand

Embark on a journey to explore our rich heritage, rooted in the traditions of Universal Kemetic Montu Arts. Delve into the origins, unravel the intricate processes, and draw inspiration from our distinguished lineage. Let your creativity flow freely as you navigate through the profound legacy we uphold.

Connect with Universal Kemetic Montu Arts

Learn more about our combat styles and the legacy of Sifu Jay Khepera Neteru Amen Ra. Feel free to reach out for inquiries or training opportunities - we are eager to share our knowledge with you.